Our office will only be accepting drop offs. We are not holding in-person interviews. You may drop off your tax documents Monday through Friday between 9:00am and 5:00pm without an appointment.
Additionally, if you prefer not to drop off and wish to save yourself a drive to the office, you can provide your tax documents to us remotely in one of two ways: you can email your scanned documents to info@con-taxservices.com or you can upload them directly to your client portal.
Tax preparation will be completed based on a first come, first served basis, based on the order that your taxes were received. Should you need to provide further information or contact us with questions, you may contact us in one of three ways:
1 . Call our main line (602) 433-0066 to leave a voicemail. Calls are generally returned within 72 hours, but during peak season (January to April), may take longer.
2. Send us a text message (602) 875-0857.
3. Send us a message via your client portal, accessible via https://www.mycase.com/login/. If you have never used your portal before and would like to set up access, please text us your full name and email address so that a representative can begin the setup process for you.
**Please note that leaving multiple messages will not expedite your place in line. You will be contacted in the order that your documents were received.
Upon receipt of your documents in our office, we will conduct interviews remotely in a manner that is convenient for you. We thank you for your patience during this time, and we wish you the best of health.
Nuestra oficina estara abierta lunes-viernes dentro de 9:00am a 5:00pm solo para aceptar documentos. No se realizarán entrevistas en persona. No necesita cita previa para entregar sus documentos.
Además, si prefiere no pasar por la oficina y quiere ahorrarse el trayecto, puede entregarnos sus documentos fiscales a distancia de dos maneras: puede enviar sus documentos escaneados por correo electrónico a info@con-taxservices.com o puede subirlos directamente a su portal de cliente.
La preparación de impuestos se realizará por orden de llegada, según el orden de recepción de sus impuestos. Si necesita más información o tiene alguna pregunta, puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros de tres maneras:
1 . Llame a nuestra línea principal (602) 433-0066 para dejar un mensaje de voz. Las llamadas generalmente se devuelven en un plazo de 72 horas, pero durante la temporada alta (de enero a abril), pueden tardar más.
2. Envíenos un mensaje de texto (602) 875-0857.
3. Envíenos un mensaje a través de su portal de clientes, accesible a través de https://www.mycase.com/login/. Si nunca ha utilizado su portal y desea configurar el acceso, envíenos un mensaje de texto con su nombre completo y dirección de correo electrónico para que un representante pueda iniciar el proceso de configuración.
**Tenga en cuenta que dejar varios mensajes no agilizará el proceso. Nos pondremos en contacto con usted en el orden en que hayamos recibido sus documentos.
Al recibir sus documentos en nuestra oficina, realizaremos entrevistas de forma remota de una manera que sea convenviente para usted. Le agradecemos su paciencia durante este tiempo y le deseamos lo mejor de la salud.
Whether you need help filing your personal taxes or filing for your business, you can be sure you're getting your maximum refund when you entrust your tax preparation to us. We offer over 45 years of tax preparation experience, and we pride ourselves in the individualized customer service we provide our clients.
We provide business and financial services to clients, in partnership with HMA Law. Whether you need assistance starting a new business, accounting and payroll services for your existing business, or help with filling out local TPT forms, we've got you covered.
In addition to offering taxation and business financial services, we partner with HMA Law to expertly minimize your business's tax liability through strategic asset structuring. We also provide representation in tax-related litigation and audits. Our experienced tax attorneys, in collaboration with HMA Law, bring strong negotiation skill
In addition to offering taxation and business financial services, we partner with HMA Law to expertly minimize your business's tax liability through strategic asset structuring. We also provide representation in tax-related litigation and audits. Our experienced tax attorneys, in collaboration with HMA Law, bring strong negotiation skills and an in-depth understanding of legal principles and case law to address a wide range of tax law issues.
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours. Please note that during the off-peak season, appointments are required for all services.
2942 North 24th Street, Suite 114, Phoenix, Arizona 85016, United States
Phone (602) 433-0066 Text us anytime at (602) 875-0857 Email info@con-taxservices.com
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |
Our office is ONLY accepting drop offs. We are not holding in-person interviews. All interviews will be conducted remotely via e-mail or phone.